Tentacle Dildo Made By Whipspider Rubberworks

Tentacle Dildo Made By Whipspider Rubberworks

What else can I say? I’d been oggling the Tentacle dildo for the longest time and finally broke down and got it a while ago. Hubby doesn’t know. I don’t know how to spring something so strange on him. O.o

Ok, so there’s a chance he’ll find it totally sexy to see a slimy tentacle (that glows! XD) slithering around in my nethers. But…then again, I’m a little worried it might bring up all that hentai crap from before (Ugh… –_-; Still trying to get over that.). I had been thinking about passing it off as a Halloween review assignment from one of the companies that sends me surprise assignments…but I dunno.

Why did I get it? (If you don’t want to read about my stupid past, scroll down to the review.)

Good question. Because I’m warped, that’s why… *sighs* All that crap before…it got me into liking tentacles. But after way too much porn, I started too feel small (I don’t have huge boobs, ok? –_-) , unpretty, and unsexy. I put a stop to it, at least I thought so. But he was still looking at it behind my back and that made me feel even worse about myself. Well, it’s over now. It still hurts sometimes. That’s why I always make sure the toys I get have clean, non-pornographic packaging, if I can. Sometimes I can’t. But I always try to let you guys know. I figure there’s other people like me out there that would like that info.

On to the review!

Well, I’ve only gone solo with the Tentacle dildo. I haven’t introduced it to my hubby yet. Still working up to that. The Tentacle dildo was made by a company called Whipspider Rubberworks (Their toys are all silicone, though, not rubber. You can see more from them like a unicorn horn dildo, a jellyfish dildo, and even an orchid here.) They’re a small group of artists living in Central and Coastal Maine. Their nature and fantasy inspired designs are a result of collaboration between them and their friends. As an artist, I love these little individual artist groups. I’ve been investigating another one called Bad Dragon and might have another tentacle to review soon. Theirs doesn’t glow, though… Oh well.

Design: The Tentacle is made of pure silicone and non-toxic pigments. It’s curved with a slight twist that’s great for g-spot stimulation and tapers from a large base for that full-up feeling. Once I get myself worked up enough, I can take the plunge and slide the whole tentacle in.

The suckers actually go all the way down to the base, and if I hold it just right, I can rub my clit against the suckers on the base when the tentacle is all the way in. Great g-spot stimulation, plus that full-up feeling, plus clitoral stimulation equals one awesome orgasm! ~_^

Tentacle Dildo Made By Whipspider Rubberworks

And it glows! How brightly? Pretty bright. Just let it charge in a light source for a little while and you’re good to go. The reason why things glow is because of photo luminescence. As long as light hits the Tentacle, it’ll continue to store photons. It will then give off those photons once the lights are turned off, and that’s what makes it glow. How long you keep it in the light determines how long it’ll glow.

The funny thing about the Tentacle is that it’s more than a dildo; it’s art. If you had it sitting out somewhere, someone might just figure it’s a decoration and that you’re either really into cephalopods or marine life. I wouldn’t recommend leaving it out, though. You don’t want it getting dusty.

Color: Absolutely beautiful. A combination of subtly shimmering blues and a pale glow-in-the-dark green. The pictures really don’t do it justice.


Suckers on the front: The Tentacle has dual rows of finely detailed suckers that are way different from any other texture I’ve experienced. They feel great rubbing against my clit and my nipples (Too bad the suckers don’t actually work. ~_^). You can feel the suckers going in, too. It makes an interesting sensation to have part of the dildo covered in suckers and part of it silky smooth.

Smooth on the back: If you need a little break from the suckers, the back is very smooth and glides very well with just a little bit of lube. And if you decide the Tentacle is too strange, but you like the design, there’s also a dildo called the Wave that is pretty much the same thing only it doesn’t have suckers or glow. The picture is the back of the Tentacle, though.


  • Length: 7”
  • Insertable Length: 6”
  • Circumference: 2 1/4”

Harness Compatible: Nope, sorry.

Suitable for Anal Play: Again, no. Since there’s no flared base, it’s not recommended for anal play. However, the base is pretty large to me and I don’t think it would get lost in there. You never know, though. Don’t want to be rushed to the emergency room with a tentacle dildo up your ass. That would be embarrassing. >.<

Water Play: Of course! Where better to use a Tentacle dildo than in the water!

Material: Pure silicone and non-toxic pigments. A lot of toys that glow can be toxic to your system. The Tentacle is totally safe and non-toxic, though! It’s also non-porous, phthalates-free, hypo-allergenic, and latex free!

Lube: It’s best to use water-based lubes for silicone toys. Some premium silicone toys are able to hold up to silicone-based lubes and not melt, but I wouldn’t chance it. If you really have to use a silicone-based lube, do a patch test first on the base of the toy.

Cleaning: I recommend using a soft toothbrush to thoroughly clean the suckers if you’re going to wash the Tentacle with soap and water by hand. You can also boil it, bleach it, or stick it in the dishwasher.

Packaging: No problems at all. The Tentacle came in a plastic bag with a little slip of paper. No muss, no fuss. No stupid smutty packaging to secretly dispose of. Thank you, Whipspider! ^_^

Pros: It glows! XD Great for hitting the g-spot and any other spot for that matter. Tip tapers down to a thick base for a great full-up feeling. Suckers provide an interesting texture to rub over your clit, nipples, or wherever. The suckers make it nice to just grind against the Tentacle, too. Transfers vibrations well. Clean, simple packaging. Silicone and free of phthalates. Easy to clean and fun to use. Beautiful silicone sculpture from a group of very talented artists.

Cons: Um…well…I’m too chicken to show it to my hubby? Is that a good enough con? ‘Cause I can’t think of anything else…

Summary: 5/5 I really love the Tentacle. It’s one of the first toys I reach for when I’m feeling horny. And I just love the design. Aside from the folks at Whipspider being great artists, I think it was very smart of them to make the Tentacle glow-in-the-dark. One of these days, I’ll pluck up the courage to show it to my hubby. Not sure when that will be, though.

October 10th, 2013 by