Seadragon Lil Squirt Lube Applicator from Bad Dragon

Whipper Tickler

Some of you may remember the review that I wrote of Chico, the first little lube applicator from Bad Dragon (Review of Chico, the Lil Squirt Lube Applicator). Well, they’re finally including some of their other designs in their lube applicator line. You can now get a Seadragon Lil Squirt!


My Lil’ Seadragon arrived in a box absolutely no bigger than what was needed. It was sealed in a poly bag, and nestled in purple tissue paper, along with a syringe in a storage tube.

As for the syringe, those always say they should only be used for one use and then disposed of. If this were to be used as intended, for medical purposes, then I would say to dispose of it. However, it can be taken apart and washed. Most of it is hard plastic. The plunger does have a porous material at the base, so I wouldn’t recommend sharing your syringe with a partner, just to be on the safe side.

Material / Firmness

The Lil’ Seadragon is made of pure, body-safe medical grade silicone. This means that the toy is phthalates-free, latex-free, odorless, tasteless, and can be easily sterilized. The cum tube is also made of silicone.

Unlike other toys from BD this one only comes in hard (8) firmness. Given how small and thin it is, this is a good thing. The pointed head is still squishy enough to be comfortable, yet firm enough for easy insertion. The shaft can be bent with minimal with little effort, although there is some resistance, most notably at the knot. At the knot, which is the thickest part, I would compare the firmness to the squish of a super bouncy ball that you can get out of a quarter machine at the grocery store.

Size / Details

  • Cum Tube Length: 43”
  • Toy Length: 4.25”
  • Insertable Length: 3.5”
  • Circumference of Head: 2.5”
  • Circumference of Shaft: 2.5”
  • Circumference of Knot: 3.5”
  • Circumference of Shaft Below Knot: 2.75”
  • Diameter of Base: 1.75”
  • Syringe Capacity: 2oz (60ml)

Texture / Design

The entire toy has a semi-matte finish. I can see the layers from the 3D printer that was used to help create the mold. It’s kind of hard to capture with my camera, but it can be seen slightly on the knot.

There really isn’t much different that can be felt between the Lil’ Seadragon and Chico, except for the texture and the length of the head. Otherwise, they’re really about the same, at least to me. Of the two, I have to say that I prefer the Lil’ Seadragon, because of the texture and the longer taper of the head.

The finish on the Lil’ Seadragon has just a little more shine to it, which Chico is completely matte. Also, the base on the Lil’ Seadragon is just a smidge bigger, making it a little safer for anal use. The knots are about the same, as are the lengths. However, for some reason, the cum tube on this Lil Squirt is longer than Chico’s. I’m not sure why.

Vaginal Use

Really, it’s too much of a pipsqueak for me to enjoy using this toy for vaginal penetration. Yes, I can feel the ridges and whatnot, but it’s just too damn small for me.

If it’s just for lubing me up, sure. If it’s actually for penetration, no.

Anal Use

Although I’m not fond of this for vaginal play, it’s a great toy for me for anal. I tend to prefer shorter, softer toys for anal, so this is perfect. The point and longer taper of the head makes insertion easy, and the ridges feel great. I will say, though, although I do love the knot, it isn’t quite enough to keep this toy in me every time I orgasm. It usually stays in, but I’ve have it slip out a couple times.

About The Cum Tube

One thing you want to keep in mind with this toy is how much pressure you put on the syringe plunger. With little effort, you could easily shoot lube straight across the room. Believe me, this is something I’ve done before… Do some test squirts in the sink or tub, before you attempt to inject lube in any orifice.

You do not have to fill the entire syringe with lube. If you’d rather use a smaller amount, you can, and I usually do. Try to make sure to get any air out of the tube and toy before insertion. Inserting air up your bum can cause some really uncomfortable gas, and it can cause queefing (vaginal flatulence) if you inject air into your vagina.


To clean this toy, you could boil it or send it through the dishwasher, but that’s not really going to flush out the cum tube. I would send a 10% bleach solution through it, let it sit for a while, then rinse and allow to dry before storage. Be careful when cleaning out the cum tube. If you’re not, you could soak yourself and the area you’re trying to clean the toy out in. It doesn’t take much effort for liquid to squirt a good distance with this, so just keep that in mind.

As for the syringe, I would just wash it out with a mild soap and water. Do not boil the syringe or send it through the dishwasher. You could end up warping it.


Make sure all of the water has been drained and that the syringe, tube, and toy are all completely dry inside. The syringe can go back into its plastic container. You can curl the cum tube up and lay the Lil’ Seadragon flat somewhere where it won’t get squished, touch other toys, or attract lint or hair.


Although I did love Chico, and still do, I favor the Lil’ Seadragon more now. The longer taper on the head makes it easier to insert, and I love the texture on it. This really isn’t a toy that’s going to fill you up, but it can help beginners work their way up to larger toys. Of course, it’s great for lubing anyone up, no matter what your experience level is. Depending on how tight your anus is, this may or may not work as a butt plug, as it may not stay in. Also, it’s probably going to be too pitzy for vaginal play for a decent

July 22nd, 2013 by