Shiri Zinn Cupcake Vibrator

cupCakes-Big05This is the Shiri Zinn Cupcake, it is a vibrator shaped like a cupcake….  yes that’s right, I just said vibrator in the shape of a cupcake, don’t believe me…  well here it is

It comes in this cute tin, which seems a little 50’s inspired with its red and white polka dot design and sharp white font. The tin is just the right size for the cupcake and makes a fantastic storage case for it, protecting it from any dust or dirt that it might come into contact without its protection; it also helps add to the appearance of a cupcake rather than a vibrator.

The cupcake is about the same size as a muffin that you might get from the supermarket but it is not edible, even if it does look good enough to eat.

To insert the batteries the top twists off and the batteries are slotted inside the middle of the cupcake, it takes 2aaa batteries, the top is very easy to put on and take off. I am always pleased to see a sex toy that takes batteries that are easy to get hold of and this one even came with a set of batteries already in it, which is always a bonus.

To turn the cupcake on there is a button on the base, just press it and it begins to vibrate you can flick through the various settings by pressing the power button repeatedly until you get to the setting that you want,   there are 5 different settings, a couple of speeds and a few patterns, to turn off the Cupcake you hold down the button for a couple of seconds. The vibrations seem to travel through the whole of the cupcake but are concentrated in the base as that is where the motor is.

I would have preferred the vibrations to come through the cherry, to me it just seems like that would be the logical place for the vibrations to be concentrated, but alas it is not the case with this vibrator, even though you don’t looks much of the power between the motor and the top of the cake, it is noticeable that the vibrations are more powerful around the base of the toy.

The cupcake is not waterproof or splash proof and should be cleaned using a damp cloth with some antibacterial cleaner, it should never be submerged in water as this will just break it, I personally prefer my sex toys to be waterproof mainly for cleaning purposes rather than for use in water.

The cupcake is made from silicone and as such it should not be used with silicone lubricants or stored with any silicone products as it could react with it and this would damage it, I really like silicone as a material as it is body safe and unlike jelly which is porous and can never be cleaned properly the silicone in this cupcake can be cleaned thoroughly with sex toy cleaner and will always be safe to use.

There is a little leaflet inside the tin with the cupcake which tells you more about how it works, and even recommends a battery brand for it to work at it best.

Overall what did I think? well to be completely honest, it seems like a bit of a novelty item the sort of thing that would be a great gift for a hen night or a birthday party, something naughty and cheeky but nothing offensive, it is bound to cause a giggle or two at any hen party, but as a sex toy it didn’t really do much for me, I couldn’t really get over the shape of it,  the fact that it is a cupcake design, the vibrations didn’t seem strong enough and they are not concentrated in the right spot for me.

March 12th, 2018 by