The Shark! Double Dildo from Bad Dragon

The Shark

The Shark! is the first double dildo from Bad Dragon, and was launched as a beta test toy. Buy one, review it, and get some money back for providing your opinion. The minute I saw it, I had to have it. The design had drawn me in, and I was very curious and eager to see how something like this would feel. I had reviewed double dildos before, but nothing quite like this.

My shark came in a bright green and soft firmness. You can customize BD toys with all sorts of options such as various degrees of firmness, whatever color silicone you can dream of, various sizes, suction cups, and even cum tubes. Since this is a beta, not much was customizable, other than the firmness and color.


My BD toys always come in boxes just big enough to fit the toy inside. There’s never anything stating the contents, and the company name is nowhere to be seen. What you’ll find on the return address is the name “Jan Mulders” instead.

Inside was toy encased in a poly bag and cradled in purple tissue paper, along with the a beta tester team pin and a sample disc. On the bottom of the toy was a sticker stating that the toy was made in the US.

Size / Details

Okay, sizing for this toy is a little odd. Small means that you’re getting one half of it, and medium means that you’re getting both halves. Or, at least that’s what was being considered at the time. I got a medium, as that was the only one available during the “beta test” sale. There hasn’t been an official final release of this, and it’s not available for purchase since the beta ones sold out, so sizing could change, depending of in they do any redesigning.

Anyway, below you can see how it looks compared to a normal coffee mug. BD did offer these for sale at one time, but they haven’t gotten them back in stock since. It’s kind of a shame, since mine accidentally got broken at the handle… It’s super-glued in placed…

  • Length from Base to Tip: 7”
  • Inserteable Length: 5.5”
  • Max Circumference of Single Dildo: 4.5”
  • Max Circumference of Dildos Doubled: 8”
  • Circumference of Head: 3.75”
  • Diameter of Base: 5.25”
  • Max Diameter of Base Including Side Fins: 11”

Material / Firmness

This toy is made from pure, body-safe medical-grade silicone. This means that the toy is hypoallergenic, phthalates-free, latex-free, odorless, and tasteless. It can easily be sterilized and shared between partners.

BD’s silicone is customizable according to three different grades of firmness. I chose Soft (3), but you can also request Medium (5) or Hard (8).

If I were to get another one, I definitely wouldn’t get it in the Soft firmness again. It’s just too soft and flexible. I do regret that I didn’t ask for Medium firmness, as per usual. Why did I ask for Soft firmness? Well, I figured it would be more comfortable when trying to get both of those dildos into my vagina, plus my butt tends to prefer softer toys. While it’s true that is comfortable, it makes it a giant pain to attempt double penetration (anal + vaginal, and double anal more so than double vaginal).

Compatible Lubricant

I would not use anything other than water-based lubricants with this toy. Silicone-based lubes can bond to silicone toys, leaving a sticky, gummy mess. This is either due to poor quality in the silicone-based lubricant and/or toy. If you are set on using silicone-based lubricant, do a patch test first on the bottom of the base. Leave a drop on there and wait to see if things start to feel tacky. If they do, scrape that junk off and wash the toy thoroughly. Never use that lube on this toy again.

Texture / Design

(If I put it on my head like a hat, I look like an alien bug thing.)

The entire toy has a semi-matte finish, which is soft and smooth. There are a variety of ridges, bulges, and large flaps. The texture is mostly on the sides of the dildos facing towards the middle, and wraps around a little to one side. From the other side, you can’t really see the texture as much. The dildos are slightly turned so that some of the texture still remains on the outside, if you decide to push them together and use them as one dildo. The ridges don’t really help them stick to each other, if you decide to use them as one dildo. If lubed, they will slip and slide against each other.

You can see the texture, and details such as the urethra, a little better below. Although the ridges look prominent, the texture isn’t abrasive in the least. Also, although the head looks pointy, it’s so squishy that there’s no way it would hurt.

The texture between the two dildos is interesting, and it does add just a little, if I decide to rock around while riding this toy.

I can’t really say that the “fins” on the side really do anything for me. I think they’re mostly just for aesthetics. You could use them as handles, but they’ll be too slick to hold onto if you have lube on your hands.

The base is large and heavy enough to where it won’t really move around. If you leave this toy on a smooth surface, it’s likely to form a suction-like hold and stick there. That only goes for setting it down on a surface, not trying to stick it up somewhere. If you try to stick it up somewhere, there’s no way it will stay.

I never do anything really but ride this toy, since it’s easier for me. I’ve found the best place to put it is on the edge corner of a chair. Trying to use this with one hand is too tiring, and trying to use with with both hands is kind of awkward.


I was a little disappointed in the construction. It looked like it hadn’t been trimmed properly. Near one of the urethras, I found a tiny pearl of silicone. It was easy to clip off with a cuticle scissors, but it seemed a bit careless.

Only one side had this issue. It was really the only issue with quality that I found. At first, I had thought there was an issue with the dildos flopping to one side but, after looking at the product picture again, decided it was fine.

Otherwise, this toy is made of high-quality silicone, and can last a lifetime if properly cared for.

Double Penetration (Anal + Vaginal)

My first attempt at double penetration with this toy took over an hour and included lots of cussing, multiple positions, some silicone dick throttling with even more cussing, and a very strong urge to chuck the thing across the room. I was determined, though. After much frustration, I finally got the thing in both holes. Was it worth it? Yes and no. The payoff was excellent, but I just wanted to take a nap for hours after, and ended up stiff and sore the next morning (leg and arm muscles).

Vaginal Use

Single – A single dildo of this toy is a little on the slim side, compared to what I’m used to. The ridges feel nice, but one side isn’t enough to give me that really full feeling or provided any g-spot stimulation.

Depending on which direction this toy is used, you’ll get a different sensation. When using only one side, I always turn the toy sideways so that the other side either at my clit or anus. The two dildos aren’t really close enough for me to really rub against the second one, but it does provide a little bit of sensation during the ride. I’m tempted to say that two people could use this at once, as I think it might provide enough space between the dildos. Since I can’t test that, and since I think maybe part of that is due to me being so dang small and not taking up any space, I can’t really say for sure if that would work. Turned the other way with the other side at my anus, I would like to say that it slides over it and produces extra stimulation, but I’d be lying. Because the dildos slightly tilt to one side, there’s really no chance for rubbing stimulation between the cheeks to occur with no problem.

Double – As with double penetration with one dildo in each hole, double vaginal penetration is a little tricky. Even with each of the dildos held in one hand to line them up with my vaginal opening, I usually have to use another hand to make sure both tips go in. If I don’t, one dildo will go in, while the other just bends and slides right off instead.

I will say that it’s very filling and nice to ride. A word of caution for those with long labia, though, they have the possibility of getting caught between the two dildos and being pinched or tugged. Definitely not a great ending to play time, and enough to keep me from wanting to use this toy that way.

Anal Use

Single – Single use for anal is basically the only method I can achieve with this thing. Trying to get both sides in me at once is enough frustration to make me almost explode. Much like single vaginal use, I prefer to have the toy sideways, so that one of the sides is at my clit. The ridges feel wonderful, and a single dildo of this toy is really about the size that I’m most comfortable with for anal.

Double – It’s difficult enough for me to get both dildos to actually go in my vagina at once, and that’s not because I’m not experienced with larger toys; these things are just to soft and flexible. There’s no way I can get both in my butt at once.


Due to all the nooks and crannies, I prefer to send this toy through the dishwasher (sans detergent) or boil it for 5 minutes in a pot large enough so the toy doesn’t touch the sides. These methods, along with wiping with a 10% bleach solution or even using baby bottle sterilizing mix, are generally the best for sterilization. You could also use a mild soap and water. I would advise having a soft toothbrush handy to clean all the crevices.


I would store this toy upright in a place where it would not touch other toys, or gather lint or hair. Do not leave this toy in a place where it could be squished during storage.


I’m pretty sure if I had asked for the medium or hard firmness, this toy would probably be much less frustrating for me, in terms of double penetration. It’s still a pretty versatile toy. I doubt I’ll be using the two dildos together as one in my vagina, as the risk of pinching is way to high for me, and I don’t want to have to deal with that again.

So, to sum things up:

  • Anal + vaginal penetration = so frustrating to get in due to firmness, but possible and pleasurable
  • Single Vaginal = easy and pleasurable
  • Double Vaginal = labia pinching
  • Single Anal = fairly easy and pleasurable
  • Double Anal = not happening due to firmness

I’m not sure when the final version of this will be released, but I’ll keep you all posted! In the meantime, click below, or any of the green text, to go check out what else Bad Dragon has to offer!

August 1st, 2015 by