Fun Factory Wanda Stub

Fun Factory Wanda Stub

I had never really seen a good close-up of the Fun Factory Wanda before, so opening the package up was an interesting experience.

*looking inside the box* “It has eyes! Wait…it has eyes?” *takes Wanda out* “And eyebrows! Seriously?”
“It has eyes? Lemme see.”

*hands it to hubby* “See?”
“So it’s a worm? That’s an interesting thought.”

“What? Ew! No! Now you’ve got that in my head!”

Yeah, strangely enough, I love the idea of tentacles wriggling around in me, but the idea of a worm invading an orifice makes me a little freaked. However, Wanda isn’t realistic and I can push the image of a real worm out of my head because of the cartoonish look it has. Isn’t it cute?

Still, the smirk he had when he said it was an interesting idea was a little disturbing. Well… maybe if he thinks that’s an interesting idea I could start to feel a little more comfortable with finally letting him on my tentacle fetish… Or I could just pretend Wanda is a tentacle instead of a worm. Yeah, that works. That definitely works…

Wanda is one of the many green sex toys at (“green” meaning environmentally friendly, not the color) Reading through the package, Fun Factory makes a statement that Wanda is a stub and it’s up to me to decide whether to use the stub vaginally or anally. Okey dokey then.

Looking through all of the lubes on my nightstand (That picture is old. There’s lots more now), I decided a thicker lube would probably be better. Thinner lubes tend to bead up and run off smooth toys. I figured since Wanda was taking a trip to Tushie Town, a lube suited for anal would be most appropriate. I used Sliquid Sassy Booty.

I lubed Wanda up, gave it another look over and figured maybe I’ll just go ahead and try it vaginally before shoving it in my keister. I tried, it failed. The basic shape of Wanda just doesn’t feel right vaginally no matter which way I twist it. Having learned that, I set to inserting Wanda anally.

That went really well. In my experience, it feels best with the face pointing down towards the ground instead of up towards me. You may want to turn it around and see what feels best to you. Don’t worry about turning it around while it’s in you. Wanda is made of a very flexible and soft silicone, so it’s very gentle on your insides.

Wanda’s head is small (about the size of hubby’s pinky finger) and the bulges are gentle and easy to get past. There’s a very slight texture difference between the bumps and the spaces in between. The bumps are actually just a bit smoother. I assume the smoother texture is to allow them to slide in more easily. I haven’t been able to make it past the third bulge. I think that this is due mostly to the large base. I can’t squish it close enough between my cheeks to get the last bulge in. I do like the shape of the base, though. It makes it easy to hold on to.

Sliding in and out with plenty of lube, it didn’t take much imagination to pretend Wanda was a tentacle instead of a worm. Needless to say, I loved it. Still, I think it feels best when hubby’s handling Wanda. Straddling him cowgirl-style works best as he alternates between thrusting himself and thrusting Wanda in me. That caused some shuddering. And being the concerned hubby he is, he always asks me if I’m ok when I shudder. The shuddering is a good thing, a really good thing. Still, he gets concerned no matter what I tell him. Sweetie.

Material: Made from pure Silicone (If cared for properly, it will last a lifetime). That means it’s hypoallergenic, hygienic, phthalate-free, odorless, tasteless, boilable, bleachable, and completely nontoxic! Wh007!

Lube: For the most part, you should just use water-based lubes with silicone sex toys to be on the safe side. Some silicone-based lubes can cause silicone sex toys to melt and degrade.

Cleaning: soap and water, toy cleaner, toy wipes, boil for 3 minutes, submerge in a 10% bleach solution, or place it in the top rack of the dishwasher

Storage: Store in a place free of dust and not touching any other toys

Harness-Compatible: Yes.

Packaging: No problems. Fun Factory’s packaging is always simple and tasteful. Be sure to recycle your packaging! Sometimes Fun Factory’s packaging also has tiny magnets to secure flaps. They’re insanely strong, so I always dig them out of the cardboard and use the as magnets for our fridge.

Summary: 5/5 Wanda is a great anal probe for me, but the shape doesn’t work well for vaginal penetration. I have no qualms with just using it as an anal probe, though.

March 28th, 2015 by