Bad Dragon’s The Breeder Dildo

Bad Dragon’s The Breeder Dildo

Ah, The Breeder… You’d think that this dildo would be a staple in collections of Bad Dragon sex toy fans. The rounded, yet tapered head for easy penetration, the soft ridges along the gradually increasing shaft, and girthy knot… I’ve been wanting to review it for quite a while now. I find it interesting that it’s not one of the more popular models.

BD specializes in the weird and the wonderful. They have a wide range of fantasy dildos that cater to various fetishes, and the amount of customization options can be enough to tie your brain in knots over what exactly you want. All of their sex toys are made from pure, body-safe silicone, with loads of features to pick from.

Colors: Anything you can imagine, including pearlescent and glow-in-the-dark

Sizes: small, medium, and large (A full size chart of detailed measurements for all sizes is available on the product page.)

Density: Comes in soft, medium, or hard. Mine is medium. You can also do a split firmness, making the base and shaft a different firmness from each other.

Cum Tube: A cum tube is not available for this toy because of the size and shape of the base.

Suction Cup: Available for all sizes

Harness Compatible: It depends on what size you’d get. I can get the small that I have in a harness. Due to the flexibility of the base, I would assume that you would be able to get even one of these dildos in large in a harness. That’s just guessing, though. So, don’t hold me to that.

Anal Safe: Yes.

I’ve actually had this toy and this particular coloring in my head for quite a while. I was so excited to finally get my hands on one, and couldn’t wait to see the package on my doorstep so I could check out the coloring.
The royal purple to black fade that I had been dreaming of turned out beautifully! It only occurs to me now, while writing this, and looking at the photo to the right, that I could have asked for this fade in pearlescent colors… I was too excited about getting this fade and totally forgot they do pearlescent. Oops…heh.. Well, maybe for another one in the future.

Although it looks fairly large, you should keep in mind that my hands are tiny. I wear a size four wedding ring that will slide right off my finger, if my hands are wet. I’m very petite; 5’1” and about 98lbs, actually.

What I have is a small in a medium (5) firmness and custom royal purple to black fade. I didn’t get a suction cup with it.


All Bad Dragon toys are made from phthalates-free, latex-free, body-safe silicone. Because this material is non-porous, it can be shared between partners, if sterilized in-between uses. You could also use a condom to keep it clean, using a fresh condom for each partner, but be careful what condoms you get. Many lubricated condoms can have silicone-based lubricant, which has the possibility of damaging silicone toys.

Compatible Lubricants

Use only water-based lubricants with this dildo. Silicone-based lubricants don’t always play nice with silicone toys, and can cause a tacky, gummy mess.

If you absolutely have to use silicone-based lubricants, do a patch test on the base first. Leave a drop on the base for a while, then check to see if anything has gotten tacky or gummy. If you discover that it has, wash and/or scrape that stuff off and use another lube. BD generally includes a sample disc of silicone in varying firmness with your purchase. So, you may want to use that to test out lubes.

BD carries Cum Lube, which is a lube designed to mimic the look and feel of cum. Both formulas have parabens, though. (Review of Bad Dragon Cum Lube)

Firmness / Texture

Since I chose a medium (5) firmness, that means that the dildo is soft, but not overly so. I would compare it to something a little firmer than the typical gummy candies. I can easily squish it, and even stretch it (although I shouldn’t be stretching it, but hey, this is testing for review’s sake). It’s very flexible, and I can bend it back on itself with just one finger. Generally a medium (5) produces something similar to the feeling of a real erection. However, since this dildo is thinner than most others from BD, medium (5) ends up feeling kind of like soft (3). So, just keep that in mind.

The surface is a semi-matte finish, and has a very light skin-ish texture to it. It’s easiest to see that in the photo of the base in the next section.


For those who prefer their toys on the thinner side, The Breeder may be a good intro to Bad Dragon sex toys. The small, slightly pointed head, along with the tapered body, is a great way to work up to larger toys, with the head being only 1” in diameter, and the largest part of the shaft being 1.75” in diameter. I had been wanting this with mostly anal in mind, as it’s always nice to have a variety of anal toys to work up to larger ones or my husband.

Beneath the head, which has a gently defined urethra and corona, is a series of three ridges before a subtle knot. A very light vein is visible on the shaft between the base and knot. The other side of the shaft also has these soft ridges, along with a slightly raised, ridged line down the length of the shaft, starting from the frenulum.

The base has sort of an eye shape to it, and is rather small. I find it easy to hold onto, and it doesn’t tire my hand. Unfortunately, it’s not wide enough to easily grind on. The edge of the base hits just below my clitoris, when the shaft is fully inserted to the base. That means I have to make sure not to fully insert it to the base, and tilt the base forward to get it to meet my clitoris. The other end of the base does reach my perineum, though, and feels a bit like a wet tongue against it when lubricated.

Vaginal Use

If I’m not properly lubed, the tip of this dildo will wobble around, and I’ll get the shaft in about half of the way. Well-lubed, it’ll slide in with no issues, just using one hand. Of course, the knot takes a little warming up to, but it’s not much bigger than the graduated shaft, making it easy to take.

Using this dildo with the frenulum facing upwards towards my clit doesn’t quiet feel as comfortable as using it facing the other way. For some reason, inserting it this way feels just a little odd.. like the tip gets bent back on itself or something.. and the angle of the knot isn’t quite right..

Turned the other way around, though, with the frenulum facing my perineum, it’s very comfortable. There’s no poking or folding feeling, and the angle of everything is just right. The knot puts a nice pressure on my vaginal opening and g-spot, making the dildo feel more filling.

There’s definitely enough space between the knot and the base for me to get it in successfully. I can’t say it’s a tying toy for me, though. For me, it’s better suited to moderate thrusting, as the knot really isn’t large enough to feel locked into me. Still, it does feel good.

Despite the ridges on the shaft, and the sort of spine on the underneath, I don’t really feel any of it. It all feels very smooth to my vagina, like there’s no texture at all. The only thing I really notice is the difference in size and the shape of the knot. Otherwise, what ridges?

Anal Use


The upper shaft of this is pretty flexible, which can make anal penetration a little tricky. With plenty of lube, and the use of both hands, though, it’s not that bad to get in. The small, pointed head easily slips in, and the gradual size increase is great for working up to larger things. I can get up to about the third ridge after the head, upon first entry, but it takes a little time to work on getting that knot in. And once that knot goes in, it won’t come out without some coaxing.

Since I’m fairly petite, the majority of the shaft feels decently filling to me. Past the knot, it’s definitely filling. And, due to the softness and flexibility of this toy, it’s very comfortable.

This is an excellent toy for double penetration. Since that was the main reason I was wanting it, I was happy to find it to be a perfect anal addition to vaginal penetration with my husband. Being petite, I have issues fitting him and anything too large in me at the same time. This dildo is the perfect size, although I prefer not to take the knot during double penetration. Having the knot banging against my back door does add to the excitement, though, and the amount of the shaft that I’m able to insert is perfect. I still can’t feel the ridges. My husband says he can feel the pressure of this dildo against him when they’re both penetrating me.


I had my husband attempt to insert this dildo anally a few times, but he was a little fussy about it. He wouldn’t use enough lube, and he wouldn’t let me help. That, paired with the fact that the upper portion of the dildo is very flexible, made it difficult for him to get it in. He said he got it in about halfway at most, and the shaft felt pretty smooth. He also said it felt like it was poking him, but couldn’t pinpoint to me where.

He kind of goes through phases of being comfortable with anal, and not being comfortable with anal. So, when he feels more open again, I’ll have to have him try this again and update the review.

Cleaning / Storage

Wash this dildo with a mild soap (check for silicone derivatives) and warm water. It’s also dishwasher-safe for the top rack, can be wiped with a 10% bleach solution, or boiled for 3-5 minutes.

Washing it by hand isn’t too bad, but you’ll need to pay a little closer attention to the nooks and crannies of the base. Boiling or sending it through the dishwasher is easier, and better guarantees a full sterilization.

Dry this dildo with a lint free towel (I usually just use a paper towel), or allow it to fully air-dry before storage. Silicone can easily gather dust, lint, and hair, so keep it somewhere it will be safe from this. Don’t let this toy get squished or touch other toys (toys of varying materials can cause reactions when touching).


All of my packages from BD have been discreet. There’s never anything on the box to let anyone know the contents, and the return address always says “Jan Mulders” instead of the company name.

Inside was the Breeder, along with a sample disc and a bottle of the white version of their Cum Lube. These were wrapped in the usual purple tissue paper, with the rest of the box filled with packing peanuts. The sample disc is a hard (8) firmness in a metallic gunmetal gray.


I’m kind of disappointed, because it feels smoother than I thought it would. I was really looking forward to how the ridges would feel, but I just don’t notice them during vaginal or anal penetration. It may have been better for me to choose the 8 firmness instead of 5, but I’m not sure how much of a difference that would really make.
The Breeder isn’t one of my favorite dildos from Bad Dragon for vaginal penetration, but I love it for anal. Since anal was the original intention for getting this, I’d say I’m happy with it. Would I sacrifice the comfort of the medium (5) firmness for a hard (8 ) firmness just to see how the ridges feel? I’m not sure. My butt tends not to like firmer toys, but I suppose I might try it sometime down the road. We’ll see.

July 11th, 2014 by